Saturday, August 31, 2013

Essential Plumbing Tools

Every building requires good plumbing or else within a short time various things will not be working. For example, you may experience leaking pipes, blockages in the sewer and lack of proper draining of water. When you have any plumbing problem, it is important to call a plumber who can correct the problem at an affordable cost. In order for a plumber to perform their job well, they need certain plumbing tools.

As a plumber repairs a damaged pipe, they have to ensure that water does not flow through the pipe during as they are repairing the pipe. Plumbers usually use a jet swet to stop the water from flowing. With this tool you do not have to shut off the main supply and you will be sure that the water will not mess your plumbing work.

Image by How stuff works

Tubing cutters are the other essential tools you need so that you can undertake most of the plumbing work. The best kind of cutter is one that can cut both large and small diameter tubing as well as makes clean and straight cuts. You may also need a mini tubing cutter that can enable you to cut through some tubing when there is not enough space for a bigger cutter.

A basin wrench is a tool that is used for tightening and loosening different types of nuts that may be holding sink faucets. This tool has a swiveling jaw that can easily reach through deep narrow spaces behind the sink.

The other important tool is the pipe wrench that is quite big and heavy and is used to loosen threaded pipes.
It usually has serrated teeth that help the wrench to maintain its grip however; the teeth can easily damage a fixture. In most cases, a plumber usually needs two of these tools with one for turning and the other for holding and gripping.

A plunger is one of those tools that every plumber has. You are also likely to find a plunger in every house. The plunger is very useful in unclogging sinks, toilets, showers, bathtubs and floor drains. The plunger uses sanction pressure to remove any clogs that may be stuck in the drain.

A plumber is usually cutting different kinds of fixtures like a metal pipe, screws, nuts, bolts and hardware during repairs; they therefore need a tool that is strong enough to do this. A hacksaw is a suitable tool for enabling the plumber cut through various fixtures.

Plumbing tools are the most important thing for any plumber. Without these plumbing tools, a plumber cannot do most of the work. There are also those plumbing tools like a plunger that every person in Phoenix should have in their house due to their importance. When you have some of these plumbing tools, you may not necessarily have to call a plumber when you have any kind of plumbing problem as you can use various tools you have to correct the problem especially if it is a simple one.

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