Monday, September 2, 2013

Why It Is Important To Hire A Criminal Defense Lawyer

The law is very clear on what is wrong and what is not and has listed numerous wrongs and possible punishments for anyone found guilty of breaking such laws. Since people are bound to wrong others when faced with different situations, it would be important for them to find ways of defending themselves if charged for committing different offences. Due to the complexity of the penal code, it is always advisable to have a criminal defense lawyer on speed dial if you really want to avoid going to jail over various charges. Hiring a criminal defense attorney has numerous benefits to those charged for various crimes.

A criminal lawyer works closely with the forensics providers to gather enough evidence to prove your innocence. This is often done through providing evidence that is contrary to what the prosecution provides thus instilling doubt on the credibility of evidence given by the prosecution.
This can increase chances of you being found not guilty or being giving a lesser sentence simply because the evidence provided by the prosecution does not prove beyond reasonable doubt that you actually committed a particular crime.

The law clearly states that a suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Consequently, you should hire a reputable lawyer to form part of your defense to ensure that the case is either dropped or you end up getting a lower sentence because of lack of enough evidence to warrant filling of a charge. This is essential if you want to stay out of jail.

It is a requirement under the law for anyone charge with various crimes to seek legal representation. This is aimed at ensuring that such a person gets fair judgment since the lawyer presents all the necessary evidence to prove the innocence of the accused. This can make a difference between serving a prison sentence for many years, doing a short community service or being found not guilty of committing any offense. Always remember that the court acts on evidence, whether you actually committed the offence or not.

There are times when someone may be wrongly charged for committing various offenses like drunken driving or due to mistaken identity. This can negatively affect their life even when they are innocent since some employers may not be willing to hire someone who has a criminal record. It would therefore be important to have a criminal defense lawyer assist you in proving to the court that you did not commit the offense for which you are being charged. This ultimately ensures you do not end up in jail or get punished in any other way like losing your drivers license for a wrong you did not commit.

 It is always important to demand to speak to a criminal defense lawyer if arrested over various crimes. This is because what you say during this time may be used against you in court hence hurting your chances of winning the case. It is your right to have legal representation whether you can afford a lawyer or not.

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