Monday, September 2, 2013

Important Tips On How To Shave

Hair on various areas of the body does not look attractive therefore; people shave different areas like under the armpits, legs, neck, chin and the chest as people generally assume that for you to look beautiful you need to have clean-shaven skin in these areas of your body. This has led to more people shaving with each passing day. Shaving is an art that you need to learn therefore below are a few tips on how to shave.

The first thing that is usually very important when shaving is the razor. There are different types of razors that are suitable for shaving various places on the body. You can easily find a disposable razor that is usually convenient and relatively cheap. Multi-blade razors are also quite common in the market as they are fitted with interchangeable blades that you can dispose after use and still be able to use the razor. For a closer smoother shave, you can buy double-edged razors.

Before shaving any area on your body, it is always important to wet that particular part. The water makes the hair soft and clears any dead skin cells thus making it easier for someone to shave. After applying water, you can then apply some shaving cream for example if you are shaving your beard. It is usually essential to let the shaving cream stay for around two minutes before you can begin to shave, as the cream will ensure that the hair remains wet and soft.

It is very important for a person to know how to hold the razor when shaving. You need to hold a multi-blade with the index figure extended to the shaft while raising the handle between twenty-five and thirty degrees. Shave along the grain however, for a closer cut you can shave against the grain but this can lead to several cuts and irritation. As you continue shaving, you can keep placing the razor in warm water to get rid of the hairs that may be trapped in the razor.

Once you are done shaving, you can rinse the shaven area with cold water. If you have shaved your face, you can wash your face with a facial scrub to get rid of all dead skin cells. Pat dry the area with a towel when you are done and avoid rubbing the area as this can cause irritation. You can then moisturize the place with your favorite moisturizer to ensure that the area does not look dry which can be very unattractive.

Learning how to shave is very important, as shaving is a practice that people do on almost a daily basis after taking a shower. After you learn how to shave, you would be able to shave various areas without much problem. In order for one to learn how they can shave various parts of the body, it takes practice something that might take some time before someone can completely grasp the art of shaving.

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