Saturday, August 31, 2013

Foam Roller Exercises You Can Do At The Comfort of Your Home

Going to the gym can be quite hectic especially for people who may have busy schedules. Whether you are busy or not, exercising is important and if you are not able to go to the gym, you can consider going for a jog, running or you can also buy a foam roller and do various exercises in your house depending on your convenience. There are a number of exercises that you can do using foam roller.

Pilates Exercise Side Forearm Plank on the Foam Roller
Image by Pilates Digest
Side forearm plank is another very interesting exercise that you can do with the foam roller. Before you can make use of the roller, it is usually important to try this on the floor first. The exercise is done by placing the roller under the outer part of lower leg and holding the roller as you lift yourself from the floor on the side closest to the floor as you keep your hips tight. When you are stable enough, you can then lift the other leg and hold.

One such exercise is done by placing the foam roller beneath your middle section as you lie facing down. Stretch both of your legs out while at the same time ensuring that the ankles are touching. Lift your legs off the ground as high as possible and repeat this exercise in order to stretch out your middle section.

The foam roller can also enable you to do a number of upper body exercises. Get into the traditional push up position while holding onto your roller with both of your hands. Stabilize your lower half of the body by resting on your knees and extend your whole body as you use your hands to hold onto the roller. This kind of exercise builds up your triceps.

You can also sit on your roller and put both your hands behind your body for stability. Look up as you arch your back in order to stretch your chest. You can repeat this motion for sometimes or even hold on that position for a longer period to stretch the chest muscles.

Another abs exercise is where you place the roller vertically and you lie on it from your buttocks to your lower neck. Keep your hands on the mat while you go to the tabletop position. As you exhale, move your knees to one side then extend your legs so that they are straight. Move from one side to the other and make around 20reps.

When you have a foam roller, you can do very many exercises at home without having to go to the gym. You also feel empowered as you can exercise alone without much assistance. Foam rollers are very cheap going for as low as $20, therefore everyone who wants to exercise at home must have this important exercise tool. If you are not sure on how to use the roller, you can seek the help of a professional trainer to help you out with any problem you may have.

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